Monday, September 7, 2009

Hari Raya...

i am now particularly very damn busy with my is freaking pack..i dont even have time for my own self..
luckily my beloved mom brought me to the spa last least i got the chance to relax and pamper myself,even though only GOD knows how did i feel when my beautician took all the blackhead out from my pores...

Hari Raya is just around the usual,i am very excited..hehe..i love Hari Raya..
thet's the day where i can wear new clothes, cantik2 even kt rumah je, eat lots of delicious 'kek raya' duit raya ($$$) from my parents and relatives..hehe...

my baju raya for this year is orange and purple in colour...

Monday, July 20, 2009

its time to open a new book....

lame dah x melawat blog yg x seberapa nie..huhu..bkn ape,xde masa nak online...
gg sekarang dah masuk part 5...huhu...x terasa masa yg berlalu...
adik gg pun dah masuk universiti,ktorg sama kampus, tp course lain2 la...
gg amik cemical, die amik dipoma in nak jd doktor...huhu...semoga berjaya, dik...
owh, hmpir gg lupa...
ummi pregnant lagi..jd gg akan ada adik baru...abid sgt2 seronok mendengar berita tu sbb die mmg nak sgt2 harapkan adik 2 nnt perempuan,tp kalau Allah bg lelaki, gg pun happy jgk.. :) kalau permpuan, namanya akan jd Najwa, tp kalau lelaki, nama die nnt Lutfi...
gg dah mula masuk alam dewasa..pre-adult lg, coz baru msk 20 thn...huhu..
n gg rasa gg dah bertambah dah x mudah melenting mcm dulu, gg dah makin berani ...
next year, gg dh 21, n akan ada adik kecil...kwn2 gg ckp adik gg 2 spttnya anak gg...hehe...yalah, btapa jauhnya beza umur ktorg, 21 thn..kalau org zaman dulu2, umur 21 dah 3,4 anak..hehe..
I'll be waiting 4 yor arrival, our new member of the family..
untung btol die, suma org menunggu kelahiran die...
suma ni kakak2 die..
faiz n abid die pny abg...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We'll be missing u...

Kawan baikku yg sama2 gemok dan gebu, Mohamad Hanif Mohamad Hassanel akan meninggalkan daku tak lama lagi...or...sekarang laa. He has decided to quit UiTM and ambik CAT (charted accounting technician) di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Kalau dulu, di mana ada Hanif, di situ ada Lala menyibuk either membuli atau kena buli, lepas ni takde da.. Kalau dulu setiap kali keluar makan Hanif and Rabing akan bertekak like there's no tomorow, simpan suara je la Rabing lepas ni.. Kalau dulu nak ke belakang kampus, biasanya kami takut, akan ajak si Hanif ni ikut sekali walau kena bribe sekali pun. Kak Dee also wont have a subject to kutuk later on..Heck, we will all be missing the cruelty and the (only to certain circumstances to certain people on certain times) sweetness that rarely comes..

Lepas ni takde lagi la kawan nak gaduh2 sape lagi gemok and menggedik2 kat dalam kelas, kawan utk Rabing bertekak and kawan untuk diajak berjalan ke belakang kampus lagi..huhuu~~ And my source of good music and jingle pun da tiada.. tak dapat la Lala nak jadi manager Bambangan (the name of his band) lagi..

Teda2 bha kau Hanif, kenapa kau mau quit ni? Suda sem lima jugak kan?? Tiada la kawan aku di kelas nanti..mau gosip lagi.. jadi siapa la mau ajar aku main gitar ni? :(

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3 more to go....

Penderitaan elektrik n unit op dah berakhir...ada lagi 3 paper..hoho...
Math, my musuh ketat..huhu...
IP, kna byk membaca n manghafal...hurm..ngantuk2...
Thermo, no komen...


Friday, April 17, 2009

final exam...

final is just around the gg mcm xde final ja...asyik2 main...
semalam berkobar2 pegi library, tp akhirnya on9 je, belajarnya tidak..hehe..

sekarang ni gg sgt2 bengang,plug kat bilik ktorg(bkn ktorg je, 1 level) x boleh guna...semua kerja tergendala..nak masak air x boleh,iron bj x boleh..last2 suma menyerbu study room yg kebetulan kt level ktorg...huhu..

anyway, gg nak ucapkan good luck kpd kengkawan gg yang x lm lg nak menghadapi final...
sebulan lg,penderitaan kita semua sem ni akan tamat...huahua...

salah ka...??

huhu...nurul, knk dgn ktk...x salah kan mun kmk mok share yg kmk hepi...ktk ya, bila gik nak balit hostel..??btw, thanx sbb ingatkan kmk pasal math..

kmk ingatkan mok upload gmbr kmk2, but internet tok slow glak2..nak update antivirus pun payah..

hurm, ok la..kmk nak buat math lok..x abis gik..byk gik tok...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

nang jiwang lah gg

ggggggg,u r soooo jiwang :))

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Confusion and Depression

I dunno why I'm having these depressions.. (I do know why, actually, and u girls know it too) but still, I'm very confused also.. Why oh why???

melukakan hatiku ini dengan mengambil jalan mudah
dan membiarkan aku terkapai-kapai
bagaikan aku yg sebenarnya terhegeh-hegeh dengan dia??

Saya tau la awak taknak kat saya ni..
Saya da kena reject ngan awak nak dekat 5 kali lak..

Saya paham, saya ni ape je la yang ada..
kulit pun hitam,
badan pun gebu semacam,
muka tak lawa mana,
otak pun tak sepandai mana.
Saya tau saya ni miskin hina papa kedana,
tiada wang mahupun harta,

tapi tak perlu kot nak reject saya sampai macam da taknak berkawan sampai gini!

Tapi dah tu awak yang kata kawan
and most of the time (before this la) awak yang flirty ngan saya,
saya perempuan,
keje saya adalah menunggu dan menerima.

Tapi lepas tu awak da betul-betul jadi my almost lover
awak dump pulak saya macam tu jew.

Apa salah saya???
Saya depress la!!!

Penat tau fikir apa la kesalahan saya sebenarnya.
Kalau awak nak reject saya sebagai kawan sekalipun,
saya harap la awak buat depan-depan.

clean and clear,
Izhar Halqi la sikit!
Jelas, nyata dan terang tanpa dengung!

Saya ni blurr sikit,
walau pandai macam mana pun saya,
saya cuma akan dengar arahan yang jelas.
Kalau org kasi point2 and sign2 ni,
susah la saya nak paham.
Minx maaf la ek!

Saya kecewa dengan awak!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

babes,im in love!!!!!!!!!!!

frankly,i juz can say m in love.hahaha..wif tutttttt...not gonna spill d beans juz yet..huhuhu...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

saya tertekan

i am feeling indifferent and weird.. I am totally being counted out of the GROUP and i felt as though I'm being counted out of the OTHER GROUP as well. Not that i am hoping to fit in in any of it...just don't feel right.. I felt as though I'm being stabbed from behind sometimes, but that happens right? Especially when my anti-DEPRESSANTS are gone and I am forced to stay in my mood and in depression at the same time. I'm not pointing fingers right now but most of my colleagues are becoming some total spas and some of them are changing, not really for the better, through times. Hope he or she will understand whoever I'm referring to..THAT'S ALL!

Rossa Dhiny

Sunday, February 22, 2009


hurm...nampaknye statement gg for the last blog dah buat salah seorang sahabat gg salah faham... to that particular person, bknnya gg menyesal or whatever jd mpp, juz gg xnak la kwn2 gg rase yg gg dah sisihkan diorg semenjak dpt jwtn 2... tp syukur, diorg faham jugak dgn situasi gg sekarang ni...

to that particular person, gg mintak maaf, gg x bermaksud mcm 2... i'm sorry...

well,hari ni gg xde klas...ptg ni pkl 4 spttnya ade klas ganti, tp lecturer cancel kan... hehe... sangat syok... skrg ni kt luar tu hujan, jd gg mls nak balik...lagipun mane la tahu kot2 ade kwn gg nak mintak bantuan ke, ape ke...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what a day....

ari ni gg rase adalah hari yang paling memenatkan,wpun gg ade 2 kelas je..

sebabnye,gg terpaksa naik turun byk tempat n menanggung risiko kene marah..hehe..

gg xnak r cerite knp...cdey pulak jadinye nanti...

sekarang2 ni gg kuat makan dah..kalau amik nasi mesti tny kt lala knp jd mcm 2, lala ckp gg kepenatan..mungkin la kot...hurm...kepala pun selalu pening...

semalam adalah one of my worst day ade 2 test n 1 ingatkan pagi tu ade test, tp nasib baek xde..tengahari ade kuiz lak lg...petang ade 2 test berturut2..dahla gg xde belajar utk salah satu test tu..nasib baek lecturer baek, bg hint kt ktorg..huhu...n gg ade keje lak lg....

at the end of yesterday, gg mmg kepeneatan pun dah x larat...minggu ni mmg tension habis la utk gg...

ade satu lg hal yg buat gg ssh hati..
since gg jd mpp, g rase mcm gg dah x berape nak rapat dgn kwn2 asyik2 sibu dengan mcm xtvt.meeting,pg sane,sini...rase bsalah ade gak dgn diorg...hope all my friends understand my condition rite now, very bz lately..sorry girls...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

GG Saturday

Lala Saturday

My Valentine...

Hari nie, date gg untuk Valentine adalah besi, elektrod, grinder, sarung tgn, helmet x kisah sebenarnye...
gg lg rela buat bnde alah tu drpg terpaksa berendam dgn air lumpur busuk sbb ikut ppkp..time kat bengkel, gg ingatkan ppkp mcm bez,wpun bosan..
ble kengkawan gg balik dr ppkp tu, gg dgr diog komplen mcm2, gg bersyukur x ikut ppkp...hehehe....

ape nak buat kalo ade org tu mcm ngorat tp x ngorat ek??+ die kwn kte...hurm....

Thursday, February 12, 2009


gg baru kejap tadi kuiz math..bila tgk soalan, rasa mcm x berapa nak confident..and it turns disastrous...

ada 4 soalan, gg jawap 1 je g betul..actually boleh dpt 2 betul, tp gg wat careless mistake..2 gg frust sesangat ni..dahla kene buat pembetulan 1 soalan 5 kali..tu gg x kisah lagi, tp nama gg disebut kat dpn sume org sb gg buat silap..2 kali pulak tu...malu siot...

tapi most of the student pun senasib dgn gg la...even budak pandai kelas ktorg pun salah sume..kire orait la gak,kn gg dpt 1 betul..

hari ni, kwn gg rafi dari uitm pahang call..supposedly hari ni sume mpp ade kat sh alam,sbb ade meeting kat situ..tapi ntah knp, kampus kitorang hantar 4 org je...
time rafi call,gg rs frust sangat2 sbb x dpt rindu kat korang sume...especially budak2 group 4...Rafi, Sya, Loko, Izzat, Ain, Fandi, Farique, Kak Yati, Syam....

Monday, February 2, 2009

holla...long time no see...past few days is like the most exciting holidays ever in my life...i went to shah alam for mpp's stuff, n not to forgot, BTN @ terengganu...i had so much fun there...i made TONS of new friends...from uitm whole malaysia...time kat terengganu, gg wat banyak xtvt lasak yag gg x pernah buat sebelum ni, such as camping, cross country,flying fox, abselling, n macam2 lagi....release gak tension blajar..huhu...tapi dalam byk2 xtvt yang gg buat, yg g x boleh nak lupakan is mendaki bukit time malam..pukul 2.30 pagi lak tu..mmg btol2 mencabar la...time tu dahla gelap, ktorang x di bagi lampu..betul2 rase mcm org buta...huhu...seram ade gak time, Alhamdulillah, ktorang sampai dengan selamat ke bawah, walaupun berlaku beberapa insiden yang membuatkan ktorang hampir2 masuk ke dalam gaung..hoho...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

what in the name???

well, i have a new name now!!! its Billa Kong. Billa is for Nabilla, my real name. Kong is for the memories of a person who once killed me!! huahuahua.. kidding. Not kill me technically..just literally.. huhu.. so gurls! we do have so many names dont we??

Lala's names;
  1. nabilla naha
  2. naha
  3. lala
  4. laler
  5. bella
  6. nabella
  7. mak gajah
  8. petronas
  9. lala sedut
  10. billa kong

G'ah's names;

  1. nazihah anuar
  2. nazihah
  3. g'ah
  4. g'ot
  5. gg
  6. gee
  7. nazih
  8. mak slebet

Rabing's names;

  1. rabia zamani
  2. rc
  3. rabing
  4. bingbing
  5. bingbingku
  6. bingka
  7. bie
  8. ruby
  9. raba-raba
  10. rabs

Nurul's names;

  1. nurul athirah
  2. nurul
  3. ngegeh
  4. uitm
  5. siput sedut
  6. yaya
  7. *****due to x igtness and too many-ness, malas nak tulis.

P/s; the ones we always use is in green..

why bother at all??

I'm King-free!!! i'm letting go of his tormenting waits and all. its not that i hate him, i guess i loved him too much that it hurts me..(yeah right) I just want to be a normal gurl who would just find a guy that i could actually be with from time to time, and that means "its a long way to go".

King was being absurd. He broke my heart and I hate him for that. But i never loathe him, just that i couldnt stand waiting for someone who has not forgive me for my wrong doings. I know i was guilty but i've said my sorries.

My current life-mood right now is "over protected much" and "loved by everybody". I mean, Hanif once told me this, about six packs.

"why bother carry 6 when you can carry just one?"

but for me, its a bit more different than that. Lets see,
"why bother have just one BF when you can have many before you get married?"?
but that one seems more absurd. NEXT!!!

"why bother have one at all when your mom is going to find you a man regardless?"
-well, this one'll work.

haha.. Ciao!
p/s: the name is Billa Kong now kay? :P doesnt it sounds a bit chinesey??

Sunday, January 25, 2009

bing2 and me

BORN MODELS..........

waaaaaaaaa,baru nak tulis blog ni wei..huhuuhu

Firstly,olaaaaaaaa.....well tis would b the first time m writting in tiz blog..our blog actually,consist of mua,lala and gg..bing2 lom gik ngabas blog tok.huhuhuhu..well,2day is d third day of our hols...kinda boring actually 2 b at home..dont even know why,mayb coz i love campus life sooo bad..huhuu..m in a blur state of mind at d moment.all thanks 2 the creature who inhabits d planet earth besides woman,yes,u guess it right.MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!gosh...can they just make my life more is kinda weird for me 2 b single at d moment..totally weird..but i manage 2 keep my life busy wif my studies...well,so far,calculus would b d most difficult subject..i hate those cos,sin,tan thingy..i really want 2 meet wif da guy who invented those stuff...thanks for making my life more miserable.hahahaha..well,datz all for now.cukuplah ya..huhuhuuhuhuhu..muah..xoxoxo