Saturday, February 28, 2009

saya tertekan

i am feeling indifferent and weird.. I am totally being counted out of the GROUP and i felt as though I'm being counted out of the OTHER GROUP as well. Not that i am hoping to fit in in any of it...just don't feel right.. I felt as though I'm being stabbed from behind sometimes, but that happens right? Especially when my anti-DEPRESSANTS are gone and I am forced to stay in my mood and in depression at the same time. I'm not pointing fingers right now but most of my colleagues are becoming some total spas and some of them are changing, not really for the better, through times. Hope he or she will understand whoever I'm referring to..THAT'S ALL!

Rossa Dhiny

Sunday, February 22, 2009


hurm...nampaknye statement gg for the last blog dah buat salah seorang sahabat gg salah faham... to that particular person, bknnya gg menyesal or whatever jd mpp, juz gg xnak la kwn2 gg rase yg gg dah sisihkan diorg semenjak dpt jwtn 2... tp syukur, diorg faham jugak dgn situasi gg sekarang ni...

to that particular person, gg mintak maaf, gg x bermaksud mcm 2... i'm sorry...

well,hari ni gg xde klas...ptg ni pkl 4 spttnya ade klas ganti, tp lecturer cancel kan... hehe... sangat syok... skrg ni kt luar tu hujan, jd gg mls nak balik...lagipun mane la tahu kot2 ade kwn gg nak mintak bantuan ke, ape ke...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what a day....

ari ni gg rase adalah hari yang paling memenatkan,wpun gg ade 2 kelas je..

sebabnye,gg terpaksa naik turun byk tempat n menanggung risiko kene marah..hehe..

gg xnak r cerite knp...cdey pulak jadinye nanti...

sekarang2 ni gg kuat makan dah..kalau amik nasi mesti tny kt lala knp jd mcm 2, lala ckp gg kepenatan..mungkin la kot...hurm...kepala pun selalu pening...

semalam adalah one of my worst day ade 2 test n 1 ingatkan pagi tu ade test, tp nasib baek xde..tengahari ade kuiz lak lg...petang ade 2 test berturut2..dahla gg xde belajar utk salah satu test tu..nasib baek lecturer baek, bg hint kt ktorg..huhu...n gg ade keje lak lg....

at the end of yesterday, gg mmg kepeneatan pun dah x larat...minggu ni mmg tension habis la utk gg...

ade satu lg hal yg buat gg ssh hati..
since gg jd mpp, g rase mcm gg dah x berape nak rapat dgn kwn2 asyik2 sibu dengan mcm xtvt.meeting,pg sane,sini...rase bsalah ade gak dgn diorg...hope all my friends understand my condition rite now, very bz lately..sorry girls...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

GG Saturday

Lala Saturday

My Valentine...

Hari nie, date gg untuk Valentine adalah besi, elektrod, grinder, sarung tgn, helmet x kisah sebenarnye...
gg lg rela buat bnde alah tu drpg terpaksa berendam dgn air lumpur busuk sbb ikut ppkp..time kat bengkel, gg ingatkan ppkp mcm bez,wpun bosan..
ble kengkawan gg balik dr ppkp tu, gg dgr diog komplen mcm2, gg bersyukur x ikut ppkp...hehehe....

ape nak buat kalo ade org tu mcm ngorat tp x ngorat ek??+ die kwn kte...hurm....

Thursday, February 12, 2009


gg baru kejap tadi kuiz math..bila tgk soalan, rasa mcm x berapa nak confident..and it turns disastrous...

ada 4 soalan, gg jawap 1 je g betul..actually boleh dpt 2 betul, tp gg wat careless mistake..2 gg frust sesangat ni..dahla kene buat pembetulan 1 soalan 5 kali..tu gg x kisah lagi, tp nama gg disebut kat dpn sume org sb gg buat silap..2 kali pulak tu...malu siot...

tapi most of the student pun senasib dgn gg la...even budak pandai kelas ktorg pun salah sume..kire orait la gak,kn gg dpt 1 betul..

hari ni, kwn gg rafi dari uitm pahang call..supposedly hari ni sume mpp ade kat sh alam,sbb ade meeting kat situ..tapi ntah knp, kampus kitorang hantar 4 org je...
time rafi call,gg rs frust sangat2 sbb x dpt rindu kat korang sume...especially budak2 group 4...Rafi, Sya, Loko, Izzat, Ain, Fandi, Farique, Kak Yati, Syam....

Monday, February 2, 2009

holla...long time no see...past few days is like the most exciting holidays ever in my life...i went to shah alam for mpp's stuff, n not to forgot, BTN @ terengganu...i had so much fun there...i made TONS of new friends...from uitm whole malaysia...time kat terengganu, gg wat banyak xtvt lasak yag gg x pernah buat sebelum ni, such as camping, cross country,flying fox, abselling, n macam2 lagi....release gak tension blajar..huhu...tapi dalam byk2 xtvt yang gg buat, yg g x boleh nak lupakan is mendaki bukit time malam..pukul 2.30 pagi lak tu..mmg btol2 mencabar la...time tu dahla gelap, ktorang x di bagi lampu..betul2 rase mcm org buta...huhu...seram ade gak time, Alhamdulillah, ktorang sampai dengan selamat ke bawah, walaupun berlaku beberapa insiden yang membuatkan ktorang hampir2 masuk ke dalam gaung..hoho...