Monday, November 17, 2008

Lala's Cuti; Makan??

my first day of cuti is like, hmmm, penat! I decided to follow my deares dad to go back kampung, Johor. We went there in the morning and then balik by petang. Giler x?

My grandmom just died and the 'harta pusaka's managements, well, lets just say that my family is still a bit blurr about them. We've just found out that my late grandfather actually owned a lot of tanah in Tangkak. So, in order to manage the whole tanah thing, my dad has to go to Tangkak -not far from our place, Muar- to settle it all up.

Since we haven't been there for quite sometime, we visitted my dad's aunties, Tokchu, Tokchik and Tok Uda. Tok Chu really reminded me of my arwah Maktok. They really look alike only Tokchu is darker. Tokchu served us with real great food; Mee Bandung Muar- a specialty for which no other state in Malaysia can make Mee Bandung as delicious a a Johorian, particularly Muar-, for lunch was nasi berlauk Keladi Masak Pindang, Telur Dadar, and Ikan Sambal plus a little something from Tokchik, Ikan Keli Masak Lemak, and for tea was Kuih Telinga Kera or some people might call them Kuih Telinga Keling, and Keladi Goreng.

Oh my goodness, everything was very delicious! I had no idea i could eat that much! (bluffing; i can eat that much!). Gahaha.. Well, G'ah and Ngegeh, I'll let you guys see some pictures later, now i'll have to mandik!! Byebye!! Chalo Betteh!!

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